Events & programs

Megalife is our after school program for K-5th Grade which is held every Thursday. Our church van picks up children who wish to attend from the New Albany Elementary School and take them to NAPC for a time of snacks, Bible and games. Megalife ends at 4:30pm and parents are responsible for pick up. If your child wishes to attend, please fill out the form below!

We have our Wednesday morning youth prayer breakfast every Wednesday at 7am in the Fellowship Hall for any school aged child. Breakfast will be served with a time of devotional and prayer.  We will be going through “Our Great Salvation; 90 Day Devotional”. This  is such a great way to start the school day and we would love to see you there! 

Every Wednesday at 5:15pm we have our Children’s Choir which is for Pre-K to 5th grade. This takes place in the main building choir room before our Wednesday Night supper begins at 6pm. The goal of this time is to teach our young children the truths of scripture through music and cultivate a love of singing songs to the Lord. 

Our Spotify Playlist

On Sunday Evenings from 4pm-6pm our 6th-12th will meet together for our Youth Sunday Night Program. In the main building choir room, there will be a time of singing (lead by guitar) and scripture reading/prayer. Afterwards will be a time of various planned games such as capture the flag, pickle ball, schism, knock out, soccer, frisbee etc. An ice cream sunday bar will be served followed by some hang out time in the gym! We hope to see you there! 

On February 7th from 5-8pm there will be a free child care provided at the church CEC building for parents to have a night out! We will have pizza, crafts and games for the kids who attend! Please sign the bulletin board at church or let Ben Storment (601-394-8230) know if you plan to send your child! Thank you!   

On Sunday March 2nd we will have our second annual pickleball doubles tournament beginning 4pm with Pizza for to follow.  If you are interested in participating, please let Ben Storment (601-394-8230)  know! You are also welcome to come out and just watch the friendly competition! 

On Friday, March 21st, we plan to have a showing at NAPC of the movie “The Sound of Hope”. This movie depicts the incredible true story of Possum Trot, where families from a local congregation  come together to foster and adopt some of the most difficult to place kids in the foster system. There will be popcorn and snacks available and we ask that youth be chaperoned by their parents as the movie depicts some hard realities of this sinful world. 

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 5 where we will have our THIRD annual fishing tournament for the title of “Fish Whisperer” and “Monster Catch”. The tournament will begin at 3pm at the home of Ben and Cheryl Sanders and will last until 7pm. Dinner will be provided! 

Get ready for the annual NAPC Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 19th at 3pm at the home of Mr. Shelby and Ancia Lowery. We hope to see you and your little ones there! 

As you make your summer plans, please take note of the above dates for our VBS, camps and major summer events!