Ladies Bible Study

Women of the Church

 This study takes place on Tuesdays at 10am in the main building library. All ladies interested are welcome to attend!  The women are going through a study by RC Sproul called “Dust to Glory”

President of the WOC – Cassie Henson

Vice-President of the WOC – Grace Henson

Secretary/Treasurer of the WOC – Diane Aldridge

Historian of the WOC – Laura Fennell

Flower Chairman – Hannah Fennell

Social Events Chairman- Cindy Ballard

Care Ministry Committees

The purpose of our Care Ministry Committees is to provide meals for and to express God’s love to those in our congregation who are in need.  Whether it is a death, sickness, or the birth of a new baby, our care ministry teams extend the love of Christ to our church family.  If you would like to be a part of anyone of the following ministry committees, please contact the respective chairman.

Celebration Committee chairman – Lori Henson

  • This committee plans bridal teas, baby showers, etc. for church members.

Bereavement Committee chairman – Valerie Campbell 

  • This committee oversees meals, needs etc. for the families in our church who have lost loved ones.

Special Events Committee chairman – Cassie Henson

  • This committee is in charge of the special events at our church such as Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Cantata Party, Baccalaureate Celebration, and any other events hosted by the church.

Daily Bread Committee chairman – Grace Henson

  • This committee helps with our “food pantry” to keep stocked. It works closely with the Sunshine Committee to help provide meals, etc., to homebound or those in need.

Sunshine Committee chairmen – Susan Tate and Avis Storment

  • This committee will make sure our “homebound” members are checked on in case they are in need and also includes anyone in the hospital, recovering from surgery, having a baby or just in need of assistance with meals or other items. This committee will work in conjunction with the Daily Bread Committee.